
19 April 2024 the Netherlands

Impact stories of small-scale forest and farm producers and their organisations: On the path to more inclusive finance

Read the stories of local farmers and community groups implementing business ideas with the support of the Tropenbos International Network.

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19 April 2024 Viet Nam

Advancing coffee agroforestry in Viet Nam’s national Payments for Environmental Services (PES) policies

In Dak Lak, Viet Nam, within the context of the Working Landscapes programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tropenbos Viet Nam and Tropenbos International have collaborated with FarmTree and Tây Nguyên University (TNU) to offer scientific evidence on the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of coffee agroforestry systems versus conventional monocrop systems. This valuable information is a stepping stone for Tropenbos Viet Nam to engage with relevant stakeholders and policymakers, aiming to integrate agroforestry into the national Payments for Environmental Services (PES) policies.

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19 April 2024 Indonesia

Promising outcomes in the revitalisation of rubber agroforests in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Tropenbos Indonesia’s initiatives in the Simpang Dua subdistrict are yielding promising outcomes for indigenous farmers. Through strategic training and collaboration, farmers are enhancing the quality of their rubber produce, resulting in increased remuneration. Additionally, as part of MoMo4C, the careful management of their agroforests is fostering diversified income streams, which is expected to act as a safeguard for farmers during periods of low rubber prices.

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19 April 2024 Ghana

All-women cooperative transforming cocoa waste into energy in Ghana

In a groundbreaking move, as part of MoMo4C, Tropenbos Ghana has launched a Waste-to-Energy pilot project in the Sefwi Wiawso Juaboso Bia (SWJB) landscape with an all-women cocoa cooperative. By turning cocoa waste into a valuable resource, this model aims to create new avenues for income generation, livelihood diversification, and long-term sustainability in the landscape, particularly for women and young smallholder farmers.

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19 April 2024 Indonesia

Rooted progress – Marking the first year of a community-based sustainable forest management programme in Ketapang Indonesia

Tropenbos Indonesia’s and Rimba Collective’s collaborative project to promote sustainable community-based forest stewardship and livelihood improvement in four villages of the Ketapang District, West Kalimantan province, is moving forward. Embarking on a 25-year journey, the project, also supported by MoMo4C, has laid the foundation for success during its inaugural year, with facilities, training and strategic planning set in motion.

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19 March 2024 General

Tropical Forest Issues 62 is available

Why do many farmers still resist adopting and scaling agroforestry? Are the economic benefits not enough, or not perceived to be enough? Or are there other reasons? These are the questions that were asked when work began on Tropical Forest Issues 62.

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