
Understanding and capturing the multiple values of tropical forests. Proceedings of the International seminar on valuation and innovative financing mechanisms in support of conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests


Authors: Tropenbos (Verweij, P.A., Ed.)

General - 2002

ISBN: 90-5113-064-3

Language: English


There is no doubt about the importance of forests for biodiversity conservation, climate and water regulation, and carbon sequestration. Next to this, forests are a source of income and living for many families. How to meet ecological and human needs regarding tropical forests then? The seminar Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Tropical Forests organised by Tropenbos International and the European Tropical Forest Research Network (ETFRN) discussed some possible meeting points. At the end of this two-days seminar, scientists and policy makers from 41 countries came up with a list of recommendations that were presented at the Global Diversity Forum (GDF) and CoP 6. Tropenbos International has published the proceedings of this seminar, which includes the speeches and recommendations derived.

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