
Timberland in Institutional Investment Portfolios: Can Significant Investment Reach Emerging Markets?


Authors: R.Glauner, J.A.Rinehart, P.D’Anieri, M.Boscolo, H.Savenije

General - 2012

Language: English


Pension funds and other institutional investors are investing increasing financial resources in forestry and wood processing. Under what conditions are they investing in forests in developing countries? A survey of institutional investors, commissioned by FAO, theNational Forest Programme Facility, Tropenbos International and supported by Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service, attempts to answer these questions. It illustrates the current investment patterns in forestry and downstream wood processing by institutional investors and identifies bottlenecks that appear to impede further investments. The report includes practical guidance on how to facilitate successful partnerships between institutional investors and sound forestry enterprises in developing countries".

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