

Manual: Sustainable forest management for village development


Authors: Elke van den Heuvel, Lisa Best, Jaap de Vletter, Clara van der Hammen, Rudi van Kanten, Madhawi Ramdin, Hans Vellema (Eds.)

Suriname - 2015

Language: Dutch


People from forest dependent livelihoods in Suriname have a long tradition in living with nature. At the same time there is a need for them to structure their sustainable village development. The ministry of Regional Development is in the process to transform the Village Timber Cutting Licenses which were issued on the name of the Village Captain into Community Forest Licenses which are issued to the Village Board. In order to strengthen both the capacity of personnel of the ministry as well as members from village boards, a Nuffic tailor made training was conducted from October 2013 – April 2014. Tropenbos International and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences provided a training course in four modules with emphasis on participatory methods. The contents are now compiled into a manual.

The readers are instructed how to perform an analysis of the actual situation, how to formulate the desired situation, and how to design the steps needed to achieve this. All activities are participatory and executed by a project team and a group of villagers. The manual has eight appendices which go more into detail on topics related to the compilation of a forest management plan. It has a number of boxes to explain the sequence of the methods and it is structured in three main parts:

  • Part 1 The Introduction and chapters on Community forests and forest management; Forest observation and forest inventory; and Ecosystem goods and services, respectively.
  • Part 2 Chapters on Village characterization; Participatory auto diagnosis; and Conflict management, respectively.
  • Part 3 A chapter on Sustainable forest management for village development.

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