
Biophysical suitability classification of forest land in the Bipindi- Akom II- Lolodorf region, south Cameroon


Authors: Hazeu, G.W., Gemerden, B.S. van, Hommel, P.W.F.M. and Kekem, A.J. van

Cameroon - 2000

ISSN: 1566-2152

Language: English

A landscape ecological survey at reconnaissance scale (1:100.000) was conducted in the Bipindi - Akom II - Lolodorf regiobn in south Cameroon. Seven landforms, four soil types and seven vegetation types are discerned and are integrated in one landscape ecological map. Subsequently a land evaluation study was carried out on the basis of the survey data. A total of five major landf utilisation types have been studies: conservation of biodiversity; extratction of non-timber forest products; timber production in natural stands; shifting cultivation and four types of plantation agriculture. Land suitability is evaluated by comparing the land use requirements with the land qualities. the results are presented as land suitability maps showing the physical potential of the area for each of the land uses. these maps provide a basis for sound land use planning in the area.

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