Making knowledge work for forests and people - Annual Report 2019

Making knowledge work for forests and people - Annual Report 2019

the Netherlands - 30 June, 2020

This annual report presents highlights from the wide variety of our achievements over 2019—a year in which forests featured high on many agendas.

Download here the annual report 2019

It was written in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic. At first sight, COVID-19 seems to have little to do with the way people manage their agricultural lands and forest resources. But the opposite may be true. Experiences from the communities where we work illustrate the importance of diversity in the landscape, to ensure food security in times of crisis. At the same time, we fear the crisis will act as a trigger for increased extraction of natural resources and accelerated deforestation. The pandemic thus underlines the need for sustainable management of forested landscapes for the benefit of local people and the global community.

At Tropenbos International, we see that our mission is as relevant as ever. We aim to help to achieve a transformational change toward a smarter way of managing forested landscapes—a way that protects and enhances the role that forests and trees play in support of people’s livelihoods, water availability, biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation and mitigation.

In this report we present examples of the work of TBI and our partners in South East Asia, Africa, South America and Europe. They illustrate the various ways in which we contribute to sustainable land use, inclusive governance, and responsible business and finance, as building blocks of climate-smart landscapes.